

PL Source

The organization of templates within your theme can be fairly flexible. Drupal 8 by default will add a namespace for themes and modules pointed at a sub-folder titled templates. For example, Dashing templates can be used elsewhere in Drupal by using @dashing/sub-folder/template.html.twig.

Here are two examples of working locations for the Pattern Lab source:

Pattern Lab Source inside /templates Pattern Lab Source inside /pattern-lab
PL Source inside /templates PL Source inside /pattern-lab

This is accomplished by toggling some settings in your <theme>.info.yml and in Pattern Lab's config.yml:

Component Library locations in <theme>.info.yml Pattern Lab source directory in config.yml
Component Library locations PL source directory

Drupal 8 Components module

As mentioned above, Drupal 8 and Twig provides namespacing for theme and module templates. The Drupal 8 Components module allows you to extend that by defining your own component libraries. In the above screenshot "Component Library locations in <theme>.info.yml" you can see that we've defined three: @atoms, @molecules, and @organisms. We can now use the templates inside Pattern Lab's component architecture anywhere we want in our theme, by extending, including, or embedding them. This is a very powerful feature and it makes it very simple and straightforward to add more.

PL Twig namespaces

Pattern Lab also provides its own Twig namespaces that overlap nicely with the above defined namespaces with the Drupal 8 Components module. Each directory under _patterns/ is registered as a namespace. For example, _patterns/00-atoms/ as @atoms. This enables cross-over from the theme & Pattern Lab to use the same syntax for Twig templates.


Throughout the DrupalLab codebase you'll come across many examples of Twig tags, filters, and maybe not so many functions. See the previous documentation for specifics on this functionality provided by both Drupal 8 and Twig.

Here are some specific examples and use cases to refer to for extend, include, and embed.


The main menu extends menu.html.twig and adds a custom class for styling as Bootstrap Nav Pills.

Main Menu extend

Extend & Include

The branding block, which houses the site logo and site name, not only extends block.html.twig but also includes the @molecules/blocks/branding.twig component from Pattern Lab. Note the use of with, where we are allowed to provide our own value for the variable url because Drupal 8 provides its own content model & Pattern Lab just uses a placeholder value for prototyping purposes.

Branding Block extend & include


The straightforward input type form element includes @atoms/forms/_input.twig with no additions or alterations. This method allows simple elements to be prototyped and styled en masse in Pattern Lab and then included or extended inside the properly named template suggestions within Drupal 8.

Input Form Element include

Include & Embed

The frontpage view in DrupalLab showcases some neat stuff, one of which is a method of reusing layout patterns created in Pattern Lab rather than needing to redefine them based on a new set of markup. The view is using unformatted rows, which Drupal 8 provides as the variable rows. Pattern Lab provides a layout pattern called Pyramid Grid, which keeps its variable generic with items. We are able to embed the Pyramid Grid pattern and use with, supplying our own value for items as rows. This template also includes an h3 title pattern for row groupings, should they be supplied.

Frontpage View Unformatted Rows include & embed


Also within the frontage view is the actual content displayed as teasers. Pattern Lab defines a component called Card, with several variants. We embed this card in both the Page and Article teaser templates.

Article Teaser embed

We can embed the same Card pattern in the newspage view which uses view fields instead of a content view mode. We then override the variables with the correct data model variables. This creates an extremely flexible, reusable pattern that can be used across the site by merely replacing what data is provided to the template to display.

Newspage view fields